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The Contractors Coach

Diamond Certified Company Report

The Contractors Coach

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VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

1 of 71

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They give great insight into growing a business that others may not have. They bring you up to a more professional level and layout strategic plans for growth.

Their knowledge and their friendly atmosphere, you can confide in them. I was talking about my business, which is personal. Not every business is the same, and they seem to understand that. It's not one size fits all. They have a personalized touch for each individual contractor that comes through the door.


VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

2 of 71

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They have been very helpful and have taught me how to be a business owner, as opposed to just being self-employed.

I liked the personal, one-on-one attention.


VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

3 of 71

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

I would tell people that they don't know what they're missing, and whether they think so or not, they will help them.

Their approach is individualized, so I didn’t feel like I just got crammed into a box.

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Diamond certified company PROFILE

Karan Dhillon is owner of The Contractors Coach.

The Contractors Coach provides a variety of business coaching services for residential and commercial contractors throughout the Greater Bay Area. The company’s personal development programs are designed to change the way its clients approach their businesses, help them implement processes that make their operations more efficient and increase their profits while freeing up their time.

The Contractors Coach’s “Success Cycle” program features six steps that help its clients identify their desires and turn them into reality. “We provide a very structured process that guides each business owner from where they are to where they want to be,” says owner Karan Dhillon. “The process can be repeated more than once, and it’s designed to create exceptional growth in a short amount of time.”

Mr. Dhillon says The Contractors Coach’s ability to help its clients get past their mental blocks is one of its most important attributes. “We’ve found that if we help business owners change the way they think about what they’re doing, they’ll change their actions and eventually change their results. There are a lot of business coaches out there, but we set ourselves apart by putting together plans and strategies that are specific for business success.”

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Service AREA

National and International Clients


Business Coaching
Personal Development Programs
Management Strategies
Management Consulting
Executive Coaching


A look at one of The Contractors Coach’s business coaching sessions

Company Profile

The Contractors Coach provides a variety of business coaching services for residential and commercial contractors throughout the Greater Bay Area. The company’s personal development programs are designed to change the way its clients approach their businesses, help them implement processes that make their operations more efficient and increase their profits while freeing up their time.

The Contractors Coach’s “Success Cycle” program features six steps that help its clients identify their desires and turn them into reality. “We provide a very structured process that guides each business owner from where they are to where they want to be,” says owner Karan Dhillon. “The process can be repeated more than once, and it’s designed to create exceptional growth in a short amount of time.”

Mr. Dhillon says The Contractors Coach’s ability to help its clients get past their mental blocks is one of its most important attributes. “We’ve found that if we help business owners change the way they think about what they’re doing, they’ll change their actions and eventually change their results. There are a lot of business coaches out there, but we set ourselves apart by putting together plans and strategies that are specific for business success.”

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Company Philosophy

“We believe that our clients should be able to enjoy their lives as business owners, so we show them exactly how they can do that. Ultimately, we want to help every client achieve their goals, have the financial security they’re looking for and leave a positive legacy for the next generation.”

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Comparative Summary

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it’s even more important for business coaches that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For The Contractors Coach, the key to achieving and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction is simple: take a hands-on approach with each client in order to consistently achieve positive results. “We teach our clients to think like successful business people and work with them to implement that mindset in practical ways,” explains owner Karan Dhillon. “Many of our clients have seen their businesses double, triple and even quadruple in size.”

The Contractors Coach has been providing business coaching services for residential and commercial contractors throughout the Greater Bay Area since 2008. The company offers personal development programs that are designed to change the way its clients approach their businesses, help them make their operations more efficient, and increase both their profits and free time.

Unlike business coaches that only teach their clients how to increase profits, The Contractors Coach places an equal emphasis on helping its clients improve the efficiency of their operations. “If your life is consumed by your business, it doesn’t matter how much money you make, which is why we teach our clients to utilize teams and systems to streamline their operations,” says Mr. Dhillon. “This gives them more freedom and peace of mind, which helps secure a better work/life balance.”

Another distinguishing attribute of The Contractors Coach is its diligent approach to auditing the progress of its clients. “We closely monitor each client’s growth by citing where they started, where they’re currently at and where they want to be,” explains Mr. Dhillon. “That way, we can see what’s working and make any necessary adjustments going forward.”

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Industry Info

When seeking a business coach, it’s important to do your homework before making a decision. “The business coaching industry is sort of like the Wild West right now,” says Karan Dhillon, owner of The Contractors Coach in Walnut Creek. “There are a lot of bad coaches out there, and unfortunately, that has hurt the credibility of the industry as a whole. It’s at the point where you can tell someone you’re a business coach and they’ll reply, ‘Yeah, you and six other people I just talked to.’”

Since it can be difficult to tell a bad business coach from a good one, Mr. Dhillon recommends looking for a few defining characteristics. “A bad business coach is somebody who takes your money every month but doesn’t get you the results you want,” he says. “What’s more, when you don’t achieve those results, they blame your lack of effort, so there isn’t even any accountability on their end.”

In most cases, bad business coaches aren’t malicious; they’re simply not utilizing effective methods. One common coaching mistake is to focus solely on the business while neglecting the owner’s role. “Bad business coaches will often jump in and dump a lot of sales and marketing information on the business owner,” says Mr. Dhillon. “However, all this does is give a huge task list to someone who’s already overwhelmed with the responsibilities of running a business. These coaches don’t understand that the problem isn’t with the business itself; it’s with the owner’s state of mind, which is often chaotic and overwhelmed.”

In contrast, Mr. Dhillon says a good business coach will focus his or her efforts on the root of the problem. “Rather than addressing the business’ operations, a good business coach focuses first and foremost on the owner. After all, who’s going to create the results if not the business owner? That’s why a good business coach works closely with his or her clients and teaches them how to alter their mindsets and improve how they handle the growth and management of their businesses.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What sets you apart from other business coaches?

A: Generally, there are two types of coaches. Life coaches will work with you to overcome your inhibitions and achieve your goals, but they don’t address the business side. Business coaches will work with you to improve your company’s marketing and increase revenue, but they don’t address the personal side. We set ourselves apart by addressing both aspects, which means we work with our clients to improve both their mindsets and business operations. We believe that at the end of the day, you need both pieces of the puzzle to be successful.

Q: How do I get started?

A: First, we’ll send you an information packet to help you get better acquainted with our program. The second step is a free, 30-minute phone consultation, during which we’ll determine if you’re a good fit for our program. If we decide that our program would benefit you and your company, the third step is for you to come in and have a 90-minute business strategy session, followed by regular meetings from that point on.

Q: Is my business a good fit for your program?

A: That’s something we can determine during our initial phone consultation. Not everyone is a good candidate for our program, but if your company is a good fit, we assure you that you’ll see positive results.

Q: What’s your coaching style?

A: Most business coaches do group coaching, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but we’ve found that in order to accelerate results, you need a high level of focus, which is why we only do one-on-one coaching. This type of coaching scenario enables our clients to develop a much stronger focus than in a group setting, which is why they tend to see results much sooner and in greater magnitude.

Q: How long will it take to see results?

A: This isn’t a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, so it can take a while to build a solid business that can produce consistent results. We always advise our clients to commit to at least one year in our program. Many of our clients have stayed with us for several years because they continue to see positive results and want to keep going.

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Karan Dhillon: Coaching the Pros

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Program Reporter

WALNUT CREEK — After spending 10 years working for Fortune 500 companies, Karan Dhillon had established a solid career in corporate America. However, it wasn’t until he adjusted his focus to a smaller scale that he achieved true success. “I did sales and marketing for a large software company until I finally decided to do something on my own,” he says. “I decided to take the knowledge and experience I’d gained in the corporate realm and apply it to the small business level as a business coach.”

Karan founded his business in 2008 and started off strong, but things quickly became tentative following the subsequent economic downturn. Fortunately, a silver lining emerged out of that cloud of uncertainty. “Initially, I was working with small businesses in general, but after the economy crashed, I started getting more calls from contractors, who had been hit particularly hard by the recession,” he explains. “I soon found that we were getting great results with contractors, helping them turn their businesses around and increase their sales within a 12- to 18-month period. While everyone around them was struggling, our contractors were growing their businesses!”

Today, as owner of The Contractors Coach, Karan says he continues to gain satisfaction from helping his clients achieve positive results. “It’s very rewarding to take a client whose life has become consumed by their business and help them turn things around. Typically, not only is their business more successful, the owner actually comes out of it a better, happier person. In fact, the best compliment I ever received was from a contractor’s wife, who said, ‘Thank you for fixing my husband!’”

Originally from India, Karan came to the United States to attend Michigan State University, where he earned his MBA in engineering. Today, as a resident of Walnut Creek, he says he appreciates the temperate climate and concentrated diversity found in the Bay Area. “The weather is unbeatable and the diversity is unbelievable. We also get a lot of great cuisine. I lived in Minnesota for three years, and you’d be surprised what passes for Indian food there!”

Outside of work, Karan engages in a variety of active pastimes, both on the ground and in the sky. “In addition to hiking and playing golf, I’m a pilot,” he says. “I fly Cessnas out of Livermore and Concord, and I enjoy going down the coast to areas like Monterey and Santa Barbara.” Karan also invests time toward continued personal development (both through reading and meeting with a personal development coach) and hanging out with his 2-year-old son, Xander. “We have a lot of fun together, although I find myself watching a lot of ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’ these days,” he laughs.

In his life and career, Karan espouses the importance of finding your niche. “When I first started my business, I tried to appeal to as many people as possible, and it wasn’t getting me anywhere,” he explains. “However, as soon as I focused on one area—contractors—my business started to pick up very quickly. I soon realized that riches are made in the niches, and the more you try to be everybody to everyone, the more you become no one to nobody. I share this same advice with my clients to apply in their own businesses.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he were to retire tomorrow, Karan says he’d continue to do what he’s doing now. “I don’t feel like retiring. I enjoy what I do too much, so I’d probably just do more of it, but maybe I’d expand from a local basis to a more global reach. I’d also spend more time playing golf, flying and hanging out with my son.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: What’s your favorite TV show?
A: Right now, it’s “The Profit,” which is about a business coach named Marcus Lemonis who invests in companies and helps them grow.

Q: What’s your favorite restaurant?
A: Casa Orozco in Dublin. They have awesome chili verde.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
A: Hang out with my son and my dog, Mickey. He’s a 120-pound Old English Sheepdog, so it’s basically like having a giant teddy bear around.

Q: What’s the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?
A: I ate chicken feet one time while travelling in Asia. They were fried, and the nails were sticking out of the batter. Obviously, they tasted like chicken.

Q: Do you listen to any podcasts?
A: I listen to podcasts by a guy named David Neagle. He actually used to be my personal development coach.

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Expert articles
  • Adopting a Successful Business Mindset

    WALNUT CREEK — Making money is an important part of owning a business, but what’s the point if you’re too busy and stressed to enjoy it? In addition to growing your business to be more profitable, you should grow it so you’re able to have more free time and peace of mind. To do this, you’ll need to change your mindset from that of a self-employed individual to that of a successful business owner.

    Consider the difference between a self-employed individual and a business owner. Whereas a self-employed person does a lot of hands-on work and invests much of his personal time, a business owner develops systems and hires people to run those systems for him. This allows him to have a business that runs and grows independently of his daily involvement.

    Having established this primary difference, let’s ask a question: Who makes more money? The answer, obviously, is the business owner. Nevertheless, many more people are self-employed than are business owners, which begs another question: If the goal is to make more money, why do so many people choose to be self-employed rather than own a business? The main reason is that self-employed people value something even more than money: security. In contrast, business owners are willing to take risks, but they have to learn how to mitigate those risks in order to be successful.

    When it comes to contractors, we see a similar picture: most are self-employed and do much of the work themselves on a daily basis. If you are in this category, you need to learn how to go from the self-employed mentality to that of a successful business owner, which will enable you to have not just a profitable business, but also more free time to spend with your family and pursue the things you enjoy outside of work. Consider speaking with a professional business coach who can teach you to change your mindset and help you achieve your goals.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: The Key to Success in Business

    Complete Video Transcription

    WALNUT CREEK — Host, Sarah Rutan: If you’re a self-employed contractor, you’d be surprised how a simple change in mindset can increase not only your revenue, but your free time and peace of mind as well. To learn more, we’re in Walnut Creek with Marissa Berger of The Contractor’s Coach, speaking on behalf of Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Karan Dhillon.

    Marissa Berger: I’m going to share with you a tip on how to grow your business so it not only gives you more money, but it actually gives you more free time and peace of mind on a daily basis. The way that we do this is understanding how we make money in the business world. And, there are four different ways of making money in the world of business.

    First, we make money as employees. Second, we make money as self-employed people. Now, we also have here business owners, and finally we have investors. Now, what’s important to understand is that these are not only different ways of making money, these are actually very different mindsets. People in these quadrants think very differently. So, let’s go over that.

    So, what are employees actually looking for? Employees are looking for security. They want the secure paycheck, they want the benefits. Now, self-employed people have slightly a different mindset. They’re actually looking for more control. They think that if the job is going to get done right, it has to be them who actually performs the job.

    Now, business owners are a little bit different in two critical ways. One is they develop systems, and two is they actually hire people to run those systems. So, that allows them to have a business that runs without their daily involvement. They can actually scale it up and grow it without it having consuming their time every day. And, we have investors, and their mindset actually is one of having their money make them more money.

    So, with this in mind, let’s ask the question of which quadrant actually makes the most money. Now, most people think of the investors because we think of the bigger names like Warren Buffet. However, it is actually the business quadrant that makes the most money because if you think about it, investors are actually investing in businesses. Now, so much so that if we actually look at this from – a little differently – from left side versus right side, which side makes the most money? Now, we just covered that, so it’s the right side. So much so that actually ninety-five percent of the money is on the right side. However, ninety-five percent of the people are on the left side.

    So, the question is why. Why, if all of us want to make more money, why do we have such a different disparity here? Now, the reason is that people on this left side value something way more than they value money, and that is they value security. Now in contrast, people on the right side value something that’s very different. And, they actually value risk. And, what they do is they learn how to mitigate that risk.

    Now, most contractors are actually over here as self-employed. They are doing most of the work themselves, they’re involved in it hands-on on a daily basis. And, what you want to do as a contractor is learn how to go from the S quadrant into the B quadrant so you can have a business that gives you a lot of money, but more importantly free time to spend with your family and do the things that you really want to do.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local top-rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON The Contractors Coach
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Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
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  • Current Complaint File


VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

1 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They give great insight into growing a business that others may not have. They bring you up to a more professional level and layout strategic plans for growth.

Their knowledge and their friendly atmosphere, you can confide in them. I was talking about my business, which is personal. Not every business is the same, and they seem to understand that. It's not one size fits all. They have a personalized touch for each individual contractor that comes through the door.


VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

2 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They have been very helpful and have taught me how to be a business owner, as opposed to just being self-employed.

I liked the personal, one-on-one attention.


VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

3 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would tell people that they don't know what they're missing, and whether they think so or not, they will help them.

Their approach is individualized, so I didn’t feel like I just got crammed into a box.

Esaul E.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

4 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them highly.

Marissa is bilingual and speaks Spanish.

Claudia F.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

5 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They helped us focus on our business strategies. They offer a very comprehensive step by step learning process that is succinct and effective.

The process that we are going through is very logical working towards a business.

Tom J.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

6 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Well-rounded company

They are the complete package. They really take the time to help business owners achieve goals.

Troy S.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

7 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They work on the human being side of it.

Tom Peterson is very engaging your mind set.

Ryan S.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

8 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Great program, and I have learned a lot. I have become more confident in my business skills. Marissa is my business coach.

They have a great curriculum which I enjoy learning.

Tony A.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

9 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

They walk you step by step through the business hurdles.

They take the time to help you through the entire process.

Colin B.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

10 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

They understand the road blocks and help you get over them.

Nothing specifically

Rolf B.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

11 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

Very beneficial, and they do a great job giving tools that you would not even think about before going into business.

They have very comprehensive training.

Brett J.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

12 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

They are helpful.


Greg M.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

13 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

Helps change your mindset

Helped my team change their mindset.

Paul M.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

14 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

It's worth the time.


Kevin M.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

15 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

Greatly helpful in organizing our business and helping us getting control of our logistics

Consistent, kind, listening and highly suggestive concerning processes regarding our business

Kathleen M.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

16 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

Kkaran Dilllon is the owner and the business coach we had. I had an idea of where I wanted the company to be and he linked our life goals with our business goals.

He is honest and doesn't pull punches. He has a firm grasp of business systems.

Tiffany P.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

17 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

They are thorough and efficient.

Their detail to the business at hand

Jason R.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

18 of 71

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

For me, it was working through of my own habits and breaking them and my own perceptions.

The emotional support

Ryan K.

VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

19 of 71

Quality 8
Loyalty Yes

Be prepared to make long-term commitment.



VERIFIED The Contractors Coach CUSTOMER

20 of 71

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would say that it's a good thing to do when going through the process of understanding yourself better. You learn a lot about yourself, and if you're patient, it progresses to working on your business. There's a lot of self-discovery that happens. You have to be willing to look at yourself honestly and be willing to adapt.

I think he is an impartial, non-judgmental, confident coach with experience. I feel like I can bare my soul to him and that he's a confidant.

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