BRENTWOOD — Everyone loves swimming pools, but no one loves the expenses required to maintain them. Between filtration and heating, a swimming pool consumes a lot of energy, which is anything but cheap, especially in California. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways you can cut the cost of powering your pool.

One way is to upgrade your single-speed pool pump with a variable-speed model. Whereas single-speed pumps only have two settings (on and off), variable-speed pumps have the ability to run at higher or lower speeds depending on what’s needed. This feature makes variable-speed pumps about 90 percent more efficient than single-speed pumps, which translates to a substantial energy savings.

Another step you can take is to replace your current pool heating system with an electric heat pump. This is especially lucrative if you have or are planning to install a solar power system. When you get your power from the sun, an electric heat pump can allow you to heat your pool for next to nothing. However, to conserve energy, you should still keep your pool covered when it’s not in use. After all, other areas of your home need electrical power as well, so minimizing the amount your pool consumes will ensure there’s plenty left for lighting, air conditioning and other aspects of your home’s operation.