Matt Solis
When Matt Solis was offered a high-ranking position after just a few months of working for American Ratings Corporation, it was obvious he’d made an impression. “When I first started here, I was definitely motivated to make a statement with my work, and I think the management recognized that,” he affirms. “I was initially hired for a staff writer position, but after about three months, the editor who hired me left the company. Rather than hire a new editor from outside, management decided to move me into the position and I’ve been overseeing the editorial department ever since.”
Matt says his favorite part of his job is the dual characteristics it encompasses. “Editing is very technical, but there’s also a lot of creativity involved, so it’s a good mix. I like the process of cleaning up copy and seeing how things could be condensed or rearranged. I also like making sure our company’s message is strong and clear—since we’re representing top-quality companies, it’s important to me that the copy we put out is top-quality as well.”
Outside of work, Matt spends much of his time pursuing his creative hobbies, most notably music. “I’ve been playing with my band, Cormorant, for about 10 years now, and I recently started another band called Ursa,” he details. “Playing music is a huge part of my life—it’s almost another job in a lot of ways, because I spend so much time doing it.” Matt also enjoys attending concerts, going hiking, and spending time with his girlfriend, Cecilia, and their dog, Ozzy.
In his life and career, Matt espouses the importance of intentionality. “I’m a big believer in putting your all into whatever you’re doing,” he explains. “For the most part, if you work hard and stay on target, you’ll be successful in whatever you do. Even if you don’t get the results you’re looking for, at least you know did your best, so that’s what I strive for in all aspects of life and work.”