BB & B Builders Inc. provides comprehensive planning, design, and construction services for residential and commercial building projects throughout the Bay Area. In addition to working on everything from custom homes to hotels, schools and wineries, the fourth-generation Marin company works closely with architects, engineers, and interior decorators and designers to handle clients’ pre-construction design needs.
President Rob Buckle says BB & B Builders’ ability to handle every step of its clients’ building projects gives the company a distinct advantage over its competition. “We have everything we need to complete projects from the ground up, including drywallers, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, painters and roofers. Regardless of what a job calls for, we’re prepared to efficiently handle it.”
As part of its customer-oriented business approach, BB & B Builders provides every project with in-depth plans and proposals that include 3D designs, plan views, elevations, and sections. “We like to give as much information as possible for the job at hand,” explains Mr. Buckle. “By making our proposals clear and descriptive, we ensure our clients know exactly what to expect.”
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