Diamond Certified Company Report

Martinez Stair Company Inc.

Diamond Certified Company Report

Martinez Stair Company Inc.

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Alex M.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

1 of 68

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

He's a quality stair building contractor. He knows what he's doing, and he is price conscientious.

Taro is a talented guy. If what you're trying to get done is not exactly described on the plans, he can help you work it out. He does the work himself, and he's very particular.

Nick W.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

2 of 68

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

He is extremely reliable, very knowledgeable, and the prices are reasonable. He is very honest. The quality of his work is excellent.

When he told us that he was going to come over for the estimate, he showed up when he said he would. We have not regretted having him do the work.

David V.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

3 of 68

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

He was great. He really knows his trade. He's very open, as far as answering questions. He's a good communicator. He does quality work, and he does it on schedule. He came in, got the work done, and was efficient. He was one of the few contractors I used that didn't give me any problems. He's a good guy.

I really liked the quality of his work and his professionalism across the board as a contractor, which is rare to find.

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Taro Martinez, President

Martinez Stair Company Inc. designs and installs custom wood stairs and staircases, railings, and stair parts and accessories for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.

President Taro Martinez says Martinez Stair Company has been able to build a loyal clientele base because its technicians treat every home as if it was their own. “We’re very conscientious about staying clean while we’re working—we’ll do one small section of a staircase at a time to avoid making a mess or creating an unsafe environment. We want our customers to trust us completely, so we focus on being respectful and courteous throughout their projects.”

Martinez Stair Company prioritizes quality control in every aspect of its work, from the initial estimates to the finishing touches. “When we take on a job, we don’t leave in the middle to start another—we stay onsite until it’s finished,” says Mr. Martinez. “We pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to achieve their utmost satisfaction from beginning to end.”

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Diamond Certified Companies are Rated Highest in Quality and Helpful Expertise.

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Service AREA

Contra Costa County
Alameda County


Custom Wood Stairs & Staircases
Stair Parts & Accessories
Wood Railings
Cable Railings


A stair installation project by Martinez Stair Company

Company Profile

Martinez Stair Company Inc. designs and installs custom wood stairs and staircases, railings, and stair parts and accessories for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.

President Taro Martinez says Martinez Stair Company has been able to build a loyal clientele base because its technicians treat every home as if it was their own. “We’re very conscientious about staying clean while we’re working—we’ll do one small section of a staircase at a time to avoid making a mess or creating an unsafe environment. We want our customers to trust us completely, so we focus on being respectful and courteous throughout their projects.”

Martinez Stair Company prioritizes quality control in every aspect of its work, from the initial estimates to the finishing touches. “When we take on a job, we don’t leave in the middle to start another—we stay onsite until it’s finished,” says Mr. Martinez. “We pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to achieve their utmost satisfaction from beginning to end.”

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Company Philosophy

“Our goal has always been complete customer satisfaction, and we accomplish that by emphasizing promptness, cleanliness, open communication, and beautiful craftsmanship on each project. We like to say ‘perfect is good enough,’ which means we do the absolute best job we can do, regardless of the size or scope of the work.”

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Comparative Summary

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it’s even more important for stair contractors that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For Martinez Stair Company Inc., the most effective ways to keep clients happy are to treat their homes with respect and prioritize their needs throughout every step of their projects. “Making and keeping clients happy is our primary goal, so we’re very conscious about staying clean, keeping houses safe while we work, and being courteous and trustworthy,” says President Taro Martinez. “Our clients trust that we’ll do the absolute best job every time, and that’s exactly what we strive for.”

Martinez Stair Company has been designing and installing wood stairs and staircases, railings, and stair parts and accessories for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties since 2004. In addition to its wide-ranging stair services, the company is qualified to handle interior trim work like crown moulding, baseboard installations, door hanging and more.

Unlike some stair contractors that take an “assembly line” approach to every project because they expect it to be a one-time job due to the enduring nature of stair products, Martinez Stair Company treats each job like an interview for future work. “We want to bring smiles to our clients’ faces and know that they’ll spend many years admiring what we’ve done,” says Mr. Martinez. “Our motto is, ‘Perfect is good enough,’ which means we always do the best job we can do, regardless of the size.”

To further differentiate itself from its competition, Martinez Stair Company provides every job with the hands-on estimating, planning and construction expertise of Mr. Martinez himself. “I was taught very well when I started my carpentry career, but I’m always looking to improve my skills,” he says. “Having my hands and eyes on everything gives me control over the quality of each product, which allows us to guarantee the best outcome for the client.”

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Industry Info

Staircase safety is a key component to keeping your family safe in your home.
Whether your stairs are an architectural focal point in your home or simply a way to access all of your rooms, safety should be paramount when hiring a contractor to replace, refinish or upgrade your stairs. “The methods and processes contractors use to put together staircases should have safety and strength as the main concerns,” affirms Taro Martinez, president of Martinez Stair Company Inc. in Concord. “Even beyond the aesthetics of the project, you have to factor in safety. The first step is to work with a company that uses the strongest possible construction techniques.” Here are some more tips for ensuring staircase safety:

Consider the rise-to-run ratio. In order for stairs to feel comfortable and be safer, the total distance from the front to the back of the step and the vertical distance between steps should equal about 17 inches. If step treads are narrower, the distance between the steps should be greater, and as stair treads get longer, the distance between steps should be shorter. However, the rise-to-run ratio should stay consistent from top to bottom no matter what. Uneven stairs can cause slips, trips and falls.

Revisit the banisters and balusters. Banisters are the handrails on the sides of staircases, and balusters are the short columns that support the handrails and may add architectural detail to staircases. Depending on your home or business, your staircase may have one or two sides enclosed with a banister and may or may not have balusters. All banisters and handrails should meet building code requirements for height, distance between the wall and the rail, and distance between the baluster posts. Loose, weak or missing banisters and balusters can be disasters waiting to happen and should be repaired or replaced immediately. Individual baluster posts may vary in design (decorative or plain) and composition (wood or metal), but all of them should be safely anchored, and the space between them shouldn’t allow for children to get through the gaps.

Spring for a new newel post. If your newel post (the anchored post at the top, bottom and possibly critical junctures of your stair rail) is wobbly or insecure, your entire handrail will be less safe. If your current newel post can’t be securely anchored to the floor or wall, get a new one that will prevent wobbling and movement.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How soon can you start my job?
A: “We’re usually booked a month or two in advance, and our lead time is typically two to four weeks. We may be able to start sooner depending on our schedule and the availability of materials required for your project.”
Q: How long will it take to complete my project?
A: “It depends on various factors, but we’ll give you an honest time estimate before work begins. Quick projects can take as little as a day while some commercial projects can take weeks. Generally, a custom staircase and handrail project, which is the bulk of our work, takes anywhere from one day to one week. Painting, staining and finishing may take more time. However, once we start your job, we’ll stick with it until it’s done. We don’t start jobs and then leave them to work on other projects.”
Q: Can you give me an estimate?
A: “Yes. We’ll visit your home; measure the area; and give you a customized estimate based on the design, configuration, and upgrade options you choose.”
Q: Do you require a deposit?
A: “We don’t require a deposit for most jobs. Some larger jobs require a deposit, but it’s only collected after the materials are delivered.”
Q: Can I use my staircase while you’re working?
A: “Yes, you’ll be able to walk up and down your stairs, even if we’re working on the steps themselves. In fact, we usually do one section at a time so the whole staircase doesn’t have to be torn down. As long as it’s not open or dangerous, you’ll be able to use your stairs as you normally would.”
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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Martinez Stair Company Inc.



  • Taro Martinez has been working on staircases for 20-plus years and is president of Martinez Stair Company Inc., a Diamond Certified company. He can be reached at (925) 303-4238 or by email.

Taro Martinez: Stair Man

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

Taro Martinez used to be an auto mechanic, but when he got tired of that livelihood, he decided to take a step in a new direction. “After owning an automotive repair shop for several years, I needed a change in both career and scenery, so I moved from Los Angeles to Northern California,” he recounts. “Soon after my arrival, I was offered a job with a staircase builder. I’d never done any work like that—I doubt if I’d even cut a piece of wood in half before—but I decided to give it a try. Naturally, there was a steep learning curve in the beginning, but I stuck with it and found my way. In 2004, I struck out on my own as an independent staircase builder.”

Regarding the transition from automotive work to building staircases, Taro says he appreciates the improved character of customer interactions. “Nobody likes having their car worked on. It’s kind of like going to the dentist—something you only do because you have to. In contrast, staircases are often more of a luxury item, so clients come in with a completely different mindset—it’s something they actually want to do. When a customer is actually happy to see you and ecstatic at the end of the job, it makes for a really nice interaction.”

A resident of Concord, Taro spends his time outside of work on a variety of active pastimes. “I’ve been drag racing since I was 13 and I’m still active in that,” he details. “Besides the actual racing, I spend a lot of time working on my car between races. I also practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which I’ve been doing for many years.” When he’s not at the race track or martial arts studio, Taro likes relaxing at home. “I live on an acre of property in Concord and it’s very peaceful, so it’s nice to just hang out and enjoy the tranquility.”

In regard to a professional philosophy, Taro espouses the value of helping others. “My business supports a lot of charities, including children’s hospitals, food banks and animal shelters,” he says. “That’s very important to me. It upsets me to hear about some of the bad things that are going on in the world, so I’m grateful that there are organizations dedicated to helping those affected. Also, I believe you have to give in order to receive. Even when my business was really hurting back in 2008, I continued to give. I figured that even though I wasn’t doing very well, there were others who were doing far worse. I think if you’re generous toward others, it will come back to you in the long term.”

When asked what he would do if he were to retire tomorrow, Taro says he’d continue pursuing the activities he currently enjoys in his free time. “I would continue to do jiu-jitsu a few times a week and work on my car. I’d also probably travel. I enjoy driving, so maybe I’d take a road trip across the country.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: Music or talk radio?
A: Music.

Q: If you could immediately master any musical instrument, what would you choose?
A: The drums.

Q: What’s your favorite local restaurant?
A: Nola Po’Boy and Gumbo Kitchen in Concord.

Q: Reality TV or documentaries?
A: Documentaries.

Q: What’s your favorite snack?
A: I’m into fruits and vegetables these days, so probably an apple or banana.

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Expert articles
  • Stair Tread Options

    CONCORD — When replacing your staircase’s wood steps (also known as stair treads), you have a couple of options. The first is to use pieces of solid wood. The biggest advantage of this option is these are strong, sturdy pieces of wood, so you won’t have to worry about them failing. Additionally, solid wood doesn’t have any seams and can be finished to any color, which is great if you’re trying to match existing wood elements of your home.

    The other option is to create steps out of pieces of hardwood flooring; this is a good option if you want your stair treads to match your hardwood floors. However, while all wood flooring is referred to as “hardwood,” some aren’t very hard, such as poplar and alder. If you use a “soft” hardwood like this, your steps will be more susceptible to damage (such as dents and scratches) and premature failure. A better choice is to use a sturdy hardwood product like oak or maple, which will provide the hardness needed to withstand lots of foot traffic.

    If you’re planning to go with this second option, consider using a prefinished hardwood flooring product. Today’s prefinished flooring goes through a curing process that makes it supremely resistant to surface damage. Additionally, since prefinished flooring is moisture-resistant, it doesn’t expand and contract like solid hardwood, which decreases the risk of your steps developing creaks.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Choosing New Steps for a Staircase

    Complete Video Transcription

    CONCORD — Host, Sarah Rutan: When selecting new steps for a staircase, you’ll want to make sure they’re built to last. Today we’re in Concord with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Taro Martinez to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Taro Martinez: For consideration when replacing your steps with hardwood is that there’s two ways to do it. One way is to do a solid wood step. And the other way is to use hardwood flooring. Some of the hardwoods are, although called “hardwoods,” are not so hard, examples being poplar and alder. Just something as simple as a high heel will put a big divot in them or put a scratch in them. Whereas, using a prefinished step with the newer finishes, the iron oxides and the UV-cured flooring, make them basically bulletproof. The advantages of doing a solid wood step is that it is a solid wood step without seams in it and can be finished basically to any color that you like, especially if you’re trying to match things.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Martinez Stair Company Inc.
Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
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Alex M.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

1 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He's a quality stair building contractor. He knows what he's doing, and he is price conscientious.

Taro is a talented guy. If what you're trying to get done is not exactly described on the plans, he can help you work it out. He does the work himself, and he's very particular.

David V.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

2 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He was great. He really knows his trade. He's very open, as far as answering questions. He's a good communicator. He does quality work, and he does it on schedule. He came in, got the work done, and was efficient. He was one of the few contractors I used that didn't give me any problems. He's a good guy.

I really liked the quality of his work and his professionalism across the board as a contractor, which is rare to find.

Nick W.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

3 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is extremely reliable, very knowledgeable, and the prices are reasonable. He is very honest. The quality of his work is excellent.

When he told us that he was going to come over for the estimate, he showed up when he said he would. We have not regretted having him do the work.


VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

4 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They do high quality work and they are reliable.

They come through time and time again.


VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

5 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They have done really good work, really skilled guys.

The work they do, is beautiful.


VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

6 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a real professional, quality man, and he does great work.

He gets in and gets out.


VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

7 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is one of the best in the business, Im a general contractor and he is the only person I go to for stairs and rails.


Jane S.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

8 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They do beautiful work.

They are pretty reliable.

Christina C.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

9 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were quick at getting the job done and did a good job.

Everything, really

Matt C.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

10 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

That they will evaluate your project, and come up with a recommendation that meets your budget.

Just what I said, plus the flexibility was great. Taro came over and gave the initial estimate. We told him it was outside of our price range. He was able to re-evaluate the bid and was able to meet our budget by doing some of the work in his own shop.

Tony A.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

11 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were very good and I highly recommend them.

They have a good product and good service and reasonable pricing.

Nick D.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

12 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He does perfect work, he knows what he was doing, and his prices are right.

Attention to detail, and he and his worker did beautiful work.

Deborah G.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

13 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a meticulous artisan.

Taro is not easy to book because he is very busy, but when he is there with you, he is exclusively yours and he completes the work that he promised and then he moves on. I find that for an extraordinary, you just have to roll with how busy he is. He starts at 7:30 in the morning and he starts on time and he is predictable and you know that he will be there.

Mark S.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

14 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Just very reliable and very conscientious

Customer service

Leslie S.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

15 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

That he did a great job

He was helpful and creative.

Rhonda G.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

16 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

That he was very on time and he did quality work, and he had a good price.

That he came immediately when we called

Kieth K.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

17 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I just had him do the one job for me, but he did a great job and he was timely and the price was good.

He was timely and when he told me he was going to be there, he was there and he finished on time and he had good communication.

Chris C.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

18 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is really good at it and he solves problems.

He was reliable and it was not an easy job, but he worked through it and got it done.

Angela M.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

19 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

That he has excellent customer service, and the end product is beautiful.

He was very consultative in his approach and his recommendations. He knew what I wanted and what I wanted wasn't right and he was able to explain that to me.

K.T. W.

VERIFIED Martinez Stair Company Inc. CUSTOMER

20 of 68

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is very professional, very timely, he always keeps his appointments, and he follows through very well. He has high quality products.

He is very personable and very professional.

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