Diamond Certified Company Report

Precision Cleaning Services

Diamond Certified Company Report

Precision Cleaning Services

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Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i
Company Credentials i
  • Liability Insurance
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File

Zach S.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

1 of 342

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them.

They have been very flexible with us.

Tom M.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

2 of 342

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very thorough and they are not expensive and you would never know that they are there.

I would give them an 11. I like their personality and they do a lovely job.

Tim B.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

3 of 342

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

He was very responsive and he handled our issues right away.

He did a really good job.

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Curt Holman is a veteran of the carpet cleaning industry.

Precision Cleaning Services offers a variety of high-quality residential and commercial cleaning services. The owner-operated company has special expertise with pet stain removal and carpet repairs, and it utilizes new truck-mounted equipment for superior cleaning while keeping the mess and noise outside.

Since 1994, owner Curt Holman has been providing Bay Area clients with expert care of carpets, rugs, stone, tile and upholstery. “My goal is to provide top-notch cleanings for my clients,” he says. “I’m always onsite at every job location to ensure complete customer satisfaction.”

Curt says Precision Cleaning Services sets itself apart through its quality work and by being locally-owned and operated. “We offer a one-month, no-questions-asked warranty for residential work (two weeks for commercial), as well as a money-back guarantee. We utilize state-of-the-art cleaning methods and equipment, including the use of turbofans to speed up drying. Our goal is 100 percent customer satisfaction.”

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Diamond Certified Companies are Rated Highest in Quality and Helpful Expertise.

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Service AREA

Contra Costa County
Alameda County


Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning
Area Rug Cleaning
Stone, Tile & Grout Cleaning
Fabric Protection
Carpet Repairs
Leather Cleaning

Residential & Commercial


Owner Curt Holman cleans a customer’s chair.

Company Profile

Precision Cleaning Services offers a variety of high-quality residential and commercial cleaning services. The owner-operated company has special expertise with pet stain removal and carpet repairs, and it utilizes new truck-mounted equipment for superior cleaning while keeping the mess and noise outside.

Since 1994, owner Curt Holman has been providing Bay Area clients with expert care of carpets, rugs, stone, tile and upholstery. “My goal is to provide top-notch cleanings for my clients,” he says. “I’m always onsite at every job location to ensure complete customer satisfaction.”

Curt says Precision Cleaning Services sets itself apart through its quality work and by being locally-owned and operated. “We offer a one-month, no-questions-asked warranty for residential work (two weeks for commercial), as well as a money-back guarantee. We utilize state-of-the-art cleaning methods and equipment, including the use of turbofans to speed up drying. Our goal is 100 percent customer satisfaction.”

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Company Philosophy

“Our primary goal is to earn our customers' trust, and we accomplish that by providing high-quality services and always being honest with them. We take pride in our reliability and quality work. Ultimately, we want to build personal relationships with our clients and provide them with the best possible cleaning services.”

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Comparative Summary

Few carpet and upholstery cleaning companies earn the prestigious Diamond Certified award, which means they’ve been independently rated Highest in Quality. Even fewer can claim an owner who brings more than 20 years of industry experience to every project, but that’s exactly the case for Precision Cleaning Services and its proprietor, Curt Holman. “This is an owner-operated firm, which means I’m on every jobsite and do all the work myself,” explains Mr. Holman. “My service approach allows me to ensure complete customer satisfaction.”

Precision Cleaning Services has been providing a variety of cleaning services for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties since 1994, handling everything from carpet, upholstery and rug cleaning to emergency water damage service and stone/tile sealing. Mr. Holman says his ultimate goal is to build personal relationships with his clients and provide them with the best possible cleaning services. “I’m always honest with my customers, and because of that, I’m able to earn their trust.”

Unlike carpet and upholstery cleaning companies that implement dry cleaning methods, Precision Cleaning Services prefers to use a truck-mounted steam cleaning system, which is the primary industry technique for most interim and restoration maintenance cleanings. “Most of the time, truck-mounted steam cleaning is superior to dry cleaning methods in terms of dry time and quality,” explains Mr. Holman. “It’s also the preferred cleaning method of many major carpet manufacturers, including Shaw Industries.”

Precision Cleaning Services double cleans commercial carpets to restore their neutral pH levels and reduce the chances of stains returning, and it uses turbo fans to speed up the drying process as much as possible. “Utilizing state-of-the-art cleaning methods and equipment makes it easier to reach my goal of 100 percent customer satisfaction,” says Mr. Holman.

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Industry Info

When it comes to removing carpet stains, time is of the essence. Today’s carpets resist spots much better than those manufactured even a few years ago, but they’re still susceptible to spots and should be treated immediately to avoid permanent staining. “When a spot or stain occurs on your carpet or upholstery, it’s very important to act quickly,” confirms Curt Holman, owner of Precision Cleaning Services in Dublin. “The longer a spot or stain remains, the harder it is to get out.” Large stains should be handled by a professional cleaner, but to remove smaller, less serious stains from your carpet or upholstery, consider the following tips:

1. Blot up as much of the spill as you can. Don’t scrub—it’ll only work the spill deeper into the fiber and may leave a wear mark. Fold a white cotton towel, press it into the spill and rotate it often so a clean surface is always against the carpet. Continue to blot until the spill stops transferring to the towel. Remove any solid material with a rounded spoon or the edge of a dull knife.
2. Cover the blotted area with a fresh, white towel. Weigh the towel down with something that won’t transfer color. Leave it in place for 15 to 20 minutes to remove any remaining spill. If the carpet remains stained, proceed to step 3.
3. Spotting the remaining stain requires care and patience. You can’t apply most household cleaners without further damaging the carpet—many common cleaners contain dyes that will discolor the carpet or chemicals that will permanently set the stain. If you can locate the literature you received when you bought the carpet, it should contain the spotting procedures for you to follow. If not, you can attempt to remove most common household spills with the following procedure:
• Mix one teaspoonful of colorless, mild detergent in one cup of lukewarm water. To test the safety of the solution, apply several drops to an inconspicuous area (inside a closet, under a sofa) and rub gently with a clean, white towel. Don’t proceed if the carpet color changes or transfers to the towel.
• If the test is successful, spot the stain by alternately applying a few drops of cleaner followed by blotting, not scrubbing. Work from the outer edge of the stain to the center. Continue this process until the stain is gone or no more color transfers to the white towel.
• Gently rinse the area with clear water and absorb all the remaining moisture with towels.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What type of carpet cleaning system do you use?

A: I use a truck-mounted steam cleaning system, which is the number one technique for most interim and restoration maintenance cleanings. It’s also the preferred cleaning method of many major carpet manufacturers, including Shaw Industries.

Q: How long will it take for my carpet to dry after it’s been cleaned?

A: Dry time for carpet that’s been steam cleaned is four to eight hours. Depending on the type of carpet and weather conditions, I may also use turbo fans to speed up the drying process.

Q: How do you charge for your services?

A: Pricing for carpet, rug, wood, stone and tile cleaning is by the square foot; pricing for upholstery cleaning is by the linear foot. Call us and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free estimate.

Q: How often should I clean my carpet?

A: The national average is once every 18 months, but I tell most of my clients to clean their carpets at least once a year. If you have children or pets, you may want to clean twice a year.

Q: Do fabric protectors and sealers really work?

A: Yes. Teflon fabric protects carpet, boosts stain resistance and allows textiles to stay cleaner for longer periods of time. Stone, tile, grout and hardwood need to be sealed and protected to maintain a fresh appearance.

Q: Do you clean and maintain wood flooring as well as carpet?

A: Yes. Wood floors are often neglected—most people don’t do anything except clean them periodically with a damp mop. Between refinishings, I can perform a thorough cleaning and apply a topcoat of water-based urethane finish.

Q: Do you use any Green cleaning products?

A: Everything I use has an HMIS (Hazardous Materials Identification System) rating of one or less. I tend to think Green products are slightly overrated, especially in California, where EPA standards are already very high for carpet and upholstery cleaning. All my cleaning products are very safe based on California standards.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Precision Cleaning Services



  • Curt Holman is a 20-year veteran of the carpet cleaning industry and owner of Precision Cleaning Services, a Diamond Certified company since 2011. He can be reached at (925) 318-1290 or by email.

Curt Holman: A Grounded Profession

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

DUBLIN — After several years working in aviation, Curt Holman decided to switch to a more grounded profession. “I was an aircraft mechanic in general aviation, but eventually I decided it wasn’t my calling,” he explains. “I wanted to do something that would allow me to be mobile, interact with people and be more independent. I knew a professional carpet cleaner, and his vocation seemed to meet the criteria I was looking for, so I started working with him. After learning everything I could from him, I struck out on my own and started Precision Cleaning Services.”

Today, Curt says he enjoys the continual variety his job entails. “I like being out and about, meeting new people, and working in different homes. Of course, at the end of the day, I get the greatest satisfaction from making my customers happy with my work.”

A lifetime Bay Area resident, Curt lives in Dublin, which he considers a perfect place for someone in his line of work. “The people in this area are willing to invest in their homes and care about getting a good service provider. For those reasons, I get a lot of quality-conscious customers, which I really appreciate.”

Outside of work, Curt spends his free time on a variety of pastimes, from playing music to exploring nature. “I play guitar in the worship team at my church and enjoy backpacking and fishing, especially up in the Sierras,” he affirms. “I also like to relax at home with my cat and watch sports, whether it’s the Warriors, the A’s or the 49ers.”

In regard to his professional career, Curt espouses the importance of honest service. “I believe in giving my customers quality work for an honest price,” he says. “In the end, I just want my customers to be happy, with the hope that they’ll call me again in the future and possibly refer me to their friends and family.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he were to retire tomorrow, Curt says he’d head for the hills. “I might move to a more rural location, maybe in the Sierra foothills. It’d be nice to be closer to the mountains and do more fishing and backpacking. I wouldn’t even mind if it got a little snow—it’d be nice to see the changing of the seasons.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: If you could master any musical instrument, what would you choose?
A: Bass guitar.

Q: Coffee or tea?
A: Tea.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A: Alaska—they have some great fishing.

Q: How do you like your eggs?
A: Scrambled.

Q: What’s your favorite holiday?
A: Christmas.

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Expert articles
  • Proper Procedure for Spot Cleaning Your Carpet

    DUBLIN — Spot cleaning your carpet isn’t difficult, but you need to use the proper procedure to yield a good result. This starts with choosing a good spot cleaning agent. Look for a product that has a neutral pH and isn’t overly soapy or heavily concentrated. Avenge Neutral Spotter and Folex® Instant Carpet Spot Remover are both good choices.

    Once you have your cleaning product, you can begin the spot cleaning procedure. First, get a damp cloth. Next, apply your cleaner, either onto the cloth or directly onto the spot itself. Gently rub the cleaner into the carpet, feathering it in different directions as you go. “Gentle” is the key word here—you don’t want to over-scrub or use a heavy brush when you spot clean your carpet.

    When the area seems pretty clean, switch to a dry cloth and use the same procedure, feathering it around. The goal with this step is to dry the area, which is important to ensure the treatment is effective. When you’ve done all you can with the cloth, target the spot with an oscillating fan to further hasten the drying. Once the area is completely dry, the spot should be gone.

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  • Determining Carpet Cleaning Intervals

    DUBLIN — As a professional carpet cleaner, one of the most common questions I’m asked is, “How often should I have my carpet cleaned?” While it would be easy to give a general answer, the reality is it depends on your particular circumstances. For example, while I recommend a minimum of one annual cleaning for a residential home, if you have small children or pets, you should probably increase this to twice a year. On the other hand, if your house gets minimal foot traffic, you may only need a cleaning every two years. So, it really comes down to how many people are living in your home and what kind of activity there is.

    A similar rule applies to having your upholstery professionally cleaned. For example, if you have a dog that likes to sit on your living room sofa, you should have that sofa cleaned on a recurrent basis. Decorative upholstery that doesn’t come into contact with pets or people can go three or four years between cleanings, whereas frequently used couches and chairs will benefit from annual or biennial cleanings.

    Other surfaces that can benefit from professional cleanings include area rugs and tile flooring. An area rug should be cleaned every one to five years, depending on what kind of material it’s made of and how much traffic it gets. Tile floors, on the other hand, should be professionally cleaned every three to five years. Talk to your carpet cleaner to determine the appropriate cleaning intervals for your carpet, upholstery, area rugs and tile floors.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Spot Cleaning Your Carpet

    Complete Video Transcription

    DUBLIN — Host, Sarah Rutan: If your carpet has unsightly spots, you’ll be glad to know there’s a simple way to remove these yourself. Today we’re in Dublin with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Curt Holman of Precision Cleaning Services to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Curt Holman: Today I wanted to talk to you a little bit about spot cleaning your own carpet at home or in your office. The important thing when you’re spot cleaning is that you pick a good spot cleaning agent. A good spot cleaner such as Avenge Spotter is great. Or one that you can get over the counter is called Folex, F-O-L-E-X. The important thing of a good spotter is that it be a neutral pH and not be really soapy or really heavily concentrated.

    When you have your spotter, go ahead and take a wet rag. And you can put some of the spotter on the rag or directly on the stain and gently rub it into the carpet stain. Feather it in different directions as you clean. And then when you think you have it pretty clean, go ahead and take a dry cloth, like this, and feather it in. Again, you’re trying to get it fairly dry. You don’t want to over-scrub or use a heavy scrub brush when you spot clean your carpet.

    To get your spot clean to be effective, it’s important that you dry it quickly. So, besides using neutral pH, the other key to drying your carpet is to put a fan on it real quickly and let it dry for an hour or two. And if you do these steps, you’ll find you have a real good result for your spot cleaning at home.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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  • Video: Determining Appropriate Cleaning Intervals

    Complete Video Transcription

    DUBLIN —  Host, Sarah Rutan: When it comes to maintaining the carpet, tile and upholstery in your home, you’ll need to determine appropriate intervals for professional cleaning. Today we’re in Dublin with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Curt Holman of Precision Cleaning Services to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Curt Holman: One of the things I’m often asked, “How often should I clean my carpet?” For a residential customer, we usually recommend about once a year for your residential carpet cleaning. If you have children or pets, it might be twice a year. If you’re 1 or 2 adults living at home without kids or pets, maybe you can push that to every 2 years. Upholstery, the same thing. If it’s your family room, you might need to clean that sofa every year or 2. And if it’s a living room sofa and no one ever sits on it, you might be able to go 4 years. Tile, we might be able to do 3 to 5 years on your cleaning interval.

    For residential cleanings, we usually recommend about once a year for your carpet cleaning. Now, if you have children or pets, maybe it’s twice a year. If you’re 1 or 2 adults living at home without kids or pets, maybe you can clean every 2 or 3 years. Pretty much the same thing for upholstery cleaning. If you’ve got a family room sofa the dog likes to sit on, then maybe every year you might need to clean that. But if you have a living room sofa or formal dining room chairs, probably every 3 or 4 years is good enough. Your area rugs can be cleaned anywhere from 1 to 5 years, depending on how often it’s used and what kind of material it is.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Precision Cleaning Services
Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Liability Insurance
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File

Zach S.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

1 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them.

They have been very flexible with us.

Tom M.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

2 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very thorough and they are not expensive and you would never know that they are there.

I would give them an 11. I like their personality and they do a lovely job.

Tim B.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

3 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He was very responsive and he handled our issues right away.

He did a really good job.

Darrell G.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

4 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are thorough. They are very careful with stains.

They are pleasant.

Jack D.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

5 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them. I like them.

They get out hard to clean stains.

Jayson P.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

6 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are pleasant, on time and reliable. Overall, they do really well.

I can trust their work and their workers. They are very honest.

Larry A.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

7 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very thorough and they know what they are doing. They are very careful.

He have a cost effective solution. I would recommend them anytime to anyone.

Matt T.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

8 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are Diamond Certified. They are very thorough and the measurements are always correct. They are good. They are fair in price and flexible with specific accommodations.

They are reasonable with the price. I had a quick cancelation prior to arrival. He was great about rescheduling. He is very polite and gives great updates and recommendations to ensure the work

Lori B.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

9 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Amazing at what they do, highly recommend

It's the best cleaning service that we have used, by far. I guess they are just good.

Nancy W.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

10 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Curt does a fabulous job and he's very personable.

Their service, they're very caring and have good customer service.

George S.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

11 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They're very professional and very thorough.

I like their quality of work.

Sean A.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

12 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

You should use Curt.

He's just on time and does what he says.

Tammy C.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

13 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are easy to work with, they give you upfront pricing and the services are very good.

Working with the owner

Matt T.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

14 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

If someone asked me for a cleaning service, I would probably recommend them first.

The fact that they did a thorough job, they showed up on time and they offered different options.

Debbie N.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

15 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Just that the quality and service was great

Just the quality of the cleaning

Dennis B.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

16 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He takes personal pride in his work.

He came in and did the job quickly and fairly.

Larry A.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

17 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He's very knowledgeable, thorough and easy to deal with. I just think he's a nice, hardworking guy. I like to give guys like him business instead of big corporations.

I guess the best thing is when he's done that he has done a very good job. I am very satisfied with it. Another thing is that he's personable. You get the same person coming back and you get to know them a bit.

Jean C.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

18 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They come in, do their job and they leave. They're friendly and they don't waste time.

Just what they do, they clean the carpet.

Frances A.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

19 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Professional, and he knows the business and the different materials he deals with.

Nothing in particular.

Jennifer A.

VERIFIED Precision Cleaning Services CUSTOMER

20 of 342

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He knows his craft very well, does a great job, and really wants to do the best that he can do.

He is always very responsive and he does a good job with the floors. He is thorough. The stains are taken care of and everything is good.

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